30 September 2015

Basic skin care tips.

Hello everyone! 

Today i am going to share a few skin care tips. We must follow them in our day to day life for a healthy skin.The skin on our face and body  reflects the health of our inner body.When there's a deficiency of sleep,lack of nutrition ,exercise ,when proper care is not taken it just shows up! 
Our skin is the largest organ of our body and protects us from cold ,wind, sun,regulates body temperature and so on..we all know this! But how do we protect our skin from getting damaged?

21 September 2015

12 things to do when your alone !

Hie friends..wishing you all a very good morning! :) Today i'm gonna share a few things you can do when you want to be alone or just enjoy being yourself.

18 September 2015

About me

Hello friends! welcome to my blog.

I'm Preksha Jain from Mumbai . I am not an expert but just fond of makeup, beauty,  shopping etc. like every other girl of my age is .I'm a very practical person and have a positive approach towards life.

 I've started this blog so  that I can share all that I've learned in my beauty school, books and through my life experiences. Not Only beauty but i'll write down all the random things i feel like sharing with you all as this blog is more like a personal diary for me. 

 Ill keep updating my blog please comment and let me know if  you want me to post anything or share on your behalf.

 So lets share and learn ,become really good friends and be each other's inspiration.