30 September 2015

Basic skin care tips.

Hello everyone! 

Today i am going to share a few skin care tips. We must follow them in our day to day life for a healthy skin.The skin on our face and body  reflects the health of our inner body.When there's a deficiency of sleep,lack of nutrition ,exercise ,when proper care is not taken it just shows up! 
Our skin is the largest organ of our body and protects us from cold ,wind, sun,regulates body temperature and so on..we all know this! But how do we protect our skin from getting damaged?

1) CTM
Cleansing,toning and moisturizing.Make it a point of cleaning your face with a gentle cleanser when you wake up in the morning.First cleanse of the day is very important as your skin is been working hard all night in repair,renewal and throwing off the debris(dead cells and waste on your skin).
TONING your skin removes the remaining oil dirt left behind by the cleanser .Alcohol free toners should be preferred as alcohol dries off your skin. I use rose water for toning.
MOISTURIZERS  heals your dry skin leaving it soft and supple .Choose your moisturizer according to your skin type. Ones with oily skin can go for oil free or gel based moisturizers. 

2)Sun Protection
Excessive exposure to sun can add years to your skin ,cause pigmentation,tans your skin .Invest in a good sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15 or 30 .Wear a hat or a scarf ,full sleeves clothes whenever your out  and avoid unnecessary exposure to sun.

Very important. What you put inside your body is  going to reflect on your skin.A well balanced diet will improve the blood flow and oxygen  to your skin ,heal  scars and pigmentation faster,add glow to your face and protect you from skin infection..

Water should be at the top of everyone's list .Drink plenty of water as it removes all the waste products ,prevents you from dehydration and uneven skin tone.Keep sipping water all the time. It will moisten your skin from inside.

The more you exercise the better and younger you feel. Helps in blood circulation and supply of oxygen to all parts of the body. Sweat removes toxins and cleans our body so it also helps in maintaining a healthy skin.

We all have experienced the affect of poor sleep on our skin .Lack of sleep leaves you with dark circles, puffy eyes and a dull skin.The night creams and lotions work best when your body is at rest..Sleeping for about 7 to 8 hours is usually sufficient. Sleeping sideways can cause wrinkles on your skin.

A good massage if done in a right technique can be fruitful. It makes your skin glow, hair shine ,body flexible and improves blood  circulation and releases stress.

8)Avoid stress.
Managing stress is really important .Stress affects the most on your overall health.According to many dermatologist long term stress leads to poor blood circulation and oxygen resulting to dry and flaky skin and yes BREAKOUTS and PIMPLES!

9)Unhealthy habits.
Smoking and drinking alcohol can damage your skin to a great extent .Drinking too much of coffee and tea(herbal teas are an exception) is also not beneficial for people who want a healthy skin.It will dehydrate your system and depletes your body with all the vital nutrients which again affectss your skin.Smoking also makes your skin look older.

10)Avoid chemicals.
Try to use more of chemical- free products and facial masks from the kitchen. Make sure the cosmetics and products you use suits your skin.I prefer home remedies and natural products

11) Beauty detox.
Detoxifying your body is really important .A lot of toxins find their way into your body through food ,water and the air you breathe in. Detoxifying helps in eliminating the free radicals which are harmful for your skin.

12)Removing makeup
Please please do not sleep with your make up on.. removing make up when not necessary and before bed is really important for your skin to breathe..

Its not necessary that skin care routine should be a hi-tech one or expensive . Following these tips will help you look younger for longer and keep you away from all  those annoying blemishes and pimples.All the products you spend on in the market will not work until you don't follow a basic skin care routine.If you want a glass to look clean you have to clean it from inside and outside as well and the same applies to our skin. :)

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