10 December 2015

Skin care while exercising.

Besides your diet , medications and the expensive cosmetic products you use, regular exercise also helps you get good skin. Not only exercising regularly keeps you away from heart diseases , blood pressure problems and help you manage weight but gives you a fresh skin with a rosy glow. This is because of the blood circulation that takes place while you are physically active. Even when you sweat while exercising it will help you remove the toxins and clean your body from inside.

Exercise Out Of The Box

 Exercise is boring? No !
You need not go to the gym and run around to get fitter. There are various options like playing your favorite sport or joining a dance or a swimming class.

Although exercise is good for your skin you need to take some care while working out.

Care while exercising.

1) Make sure you go for a shower and  have no make up on while exercising.

2)Swipe of all the sweat and dirt that has been accumulated from your face and body. Don't let sweat sit on your skin for long time.

3) Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.  Also read basic skin care tips

4) Avoid hot water showers right after exercising ( Luke warm water is okay). Take a shower immediately after getting out of the swimming pool to rinse off the chlorine.

5)Invest in a good sunscreen if you are exercising outdoors.

6) Wear proper shoes and socks and change them regularly to avoid any fungal infections.

7)Avoid tight fitting clothes so that Your skin is allowed to breathe properly.

8)Girls should wear a good sports bra to avoid sagging of breast .

 Thank you for reading :)

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